RAB CEO Erica Farber has a knack for finding advertisers that love radio and getting them to tell the industry why they choose radio -- and how radio can grab more of their advertising budget. At the Radio Ink Hispanic Radio conference in San Diego, Farber had a one-on-one conversation with Aldo Quevedo, Principle/Creative Director for Richards/Lerma, and asked him why radio is an important mix for his clients, and what radio needs to do better. Quevedo said that, because of their connection to the community, live reads from local DJs are big. It's a general theme radio managers have been hearing a lot more of in the past few years. However, it may be a little harder to execute today, as more stations move to a national product or syndicated talent. Not only did Quevedo talk about how live DJ reads can move product, he said, "If they talk about products in a bad way, they could kill the product."
Quevedo said people in general are tired of being "sold to," so it's all about how you connect with the consumer -- and that's where radio comes in for his clients. He also believes radio has a huge advantage over other media because "It's the only medium allowed to be consumed in the car."
Where does Quevedo believe radio can improve? He says radio needs to be more interesting. If your station runs music, then spots, then music, etc., it's not interesting. And, he says, "That's what's killing radio. Another challenge is that, at the agency level, radio is still considered an afterthought. TV gets most of the attention and creative, and radio is thrown in after." He's working more toward making radio the main choice in a media mix, which is good news for radio.
Quevedo is the chairman of AHAA - also known as The Voice of Hispanic Marketing.