Greater Media CEO Peter Smyth has written his latest Corner Office blog and it focuses on the recently released Edison Research Infinite Dial Study. Smyth says while he's not surprised by the consumer transition to "connecting" to the DASH, the speed at which consumers are making this transition is surprising, and radio must ask itself, what is it doing about it? Smyth also takes a shot at radio's inability to control - or limit - the overbearing number of commercials it plays every hour.
"I believe that we have to focus on our existing brands and expand and recreate them to become multi-platform, consumer-friendly audio companions to our local communities. We have to keep pace with the changing platform choices of our listeners and focus on what we do best ? create compelling content that informs, entertains or brightens their day."
Smyth also says radio has to carefully redefine its business model and recognize that we are well beyond the one-size-fits-all era of broadcasting. "We cannot continue to stuff more and more commercials into giant stopsets each hour. We need to explore and try new things. We need to be more personal, more responsive and more innovative about our ability to serve younger listeners. We need to begin ? right now ? to create original content that lives online only in the digital world. Then we need to use our broadcast megaphone to make sure that our listeners know there?s much more to our brand than simply the tower?s signal."
Read Smyth's blog HERE and leave your comments below
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