While Pandora has become a thorn in the side of music radio stations, Sports Talk Radio has skated free from any similar type attack. As part of his presentation at the 2014 Radio Ink Sports Radio conference Edison Research President Larry Rosin said, compared to Television, Radio has been slow to provide consumers with On Demand content and that's something that needs to change, before someone else figures out how to do it.
"Radio continues to make this hard," Rosin says.. The technology is there. Radio needs to make it easy before someone else does." Rosin says one of the advantages Sports Talk has over the music formats is nobody has been able to create a "Pandora" for that format. Yet. Sports talk fans love you and they love sports talk. Someone might crack the code and provide what Pandora's provided for sports talk radio. Someone is going to launch that business.
Hear more from Rosin in this video from the Radio Ink Sports Radio Conference
(3/13/2014 8:53:00 PM)
While we are not a major player in radio (we are a small market station), we do stream our station and our streaming package provides for On Demand files and we have had success with hits on those files. Most files include local sports PBP, short-form local sports programs and local news-talk programs. We plan to continue making these items available to listeners and increasing the number of items for the future.
(3/13/2014 11:19:11 AM)
Great post Ed. Sports talk has the 25-54 demo, and although the Millennials are the ones that expect on-demand content 24/7, the younger millennials will eventually be 25 & will be so used to having content at their fingertips, that it will be a necessity for sports radio and all radio to do the same. And by THAT time, a basic mobile platform WILL NOT cut it. Not with the comp that is in the market.
The Pandora for Sports Talk is very intriguing. Glad Larry brought that up. Great article.
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