KLUC/Las Vegas morning show co-host Lauren Michaels Bernard's baby boy turned one year old this week. As his birthday present, she gave him her full-time attention, resigning her radio role. Her Program Director was fine with the move. Why? Because her PD is John "JB King" Bernard... her husband of over three years. Chet Buchanan & The Morning Zoo will continue with the all-male cast of Buchanan, Spence, and Davey.
It does not appear that she will be away from radio forever, though. Lauren Michaels Bernard wrote on her Facebook page this week: "I resigned from my position at KLUC today. I believe that everyone deserves to be in a situation where they are happy. I love all of you and I thank you for being so loving to myself and my family. I'm not leaving Las Vegas and will definitely be on your radio again in the future. I love you, I love you, I love you!"
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