Dave Ramsey, host of the nationally syndicated The Dave Ramsey Show and CEO of Ramsey Solutions, has partnered with Salem Media Group to launch a new financial radio show for 20 of Salem's Christian radio stations. The 30-minute show, Chris Brown's True Stewardship, will launch sometime in June.
Said Ramsey: "Creating a Christian radio show, hosted by Chris Brown (pictured), allows Ramsey Solutions to help even more Americans take control of their money. Chris has been speaking to crowds in excess of 10,000 attendees with an incredibly positive response. He is the perfect person to host this new half-hour show!"
Salem President of Broadcast Media David Santrella said: "Financial Stewardship and Dave Ramsey are synonymous in the Christian community. Having Chris Brown on our stations providing our listeners with sound biblically based, financial advice that comes from inside the walls of Ramsey Solutions is a huge service to our audience and we are thrilled to have this program in our lineup."
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