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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fine Tunning Your Orchestra Is Key

by Buzz Knight

One of my favorite parts of the job of programmer is talent management. It can be a part of the gig that is most gratifying, and on other occasions, the most frustrating in the position. The job of a PD requires a manager to be part ?conductor of the orchestra? and part ?psychiatrist,? depending on what?s taking place in that given moment.

I have learned first-hand that a PD needs to be able to ?read the room? to efficiently accomplish the task. Recently I had two revelations I wanted to pass along that might help you in that challenge. First: PD?s need to re-evaluate the method and manner that they conduct their meetings. Most Talent generally hates their PD meeting. So, let's find ways to diversify the approach.

Former legendary UCLA Coach John Wooden made his practice sessions interesting by rotating a variety of drills to keep the player mindset fresh. In those talent/PD meetings does the programmer ever shut up and listen to what the talent has to say? Sometimes, just allowing them the opportunity to unwind their thoughts thru their own filter, especially when they have an accomplishment to share, can be one of the most beneficial interactions between talent and programmer.

Second, we should encourage the talent to listen to airchecks of their own show. Our own mid-day personality at WMMR in Philadelphia, Pierre Robert, brought this up to me the other day. It really sold me on advocating this to talent more frequently. Pierre feels that he is a craftsman who is always working to improve his craft. He not only listens to all of his shows, but grades them on performance.

He brought up a great point. We do need to re-evaluate our process, even if our message is still the same. I believe he?s right. I guarantee you if we listen as much as we give advice, we can all accomplish what we need to do in the long run.

Buzz Knight is the Vice President of Program Development for Greater Media, Inc# he can be reached at Knight was named among ?Best Programmers? by Radio Ink Magazine in 2007 and 2010. He has served on the programming subcommittee of the National Association of Broadcasters(NAB) and is currently a member of the Arbitron Radio Advisory Council and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) COLRAM Committee.

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