In the season of giving thanks, are you giving thanks to your audience and what they stand for on a one-by-one basis?
It's easy to take them for granted and think of them as a series of numbers that roll out when the latest weekly or monthly ratings print, but we need to go deeper in appreciating our relationship. When we take an approach that is a heart-and-soul approach to our audience and we care for them on a one-by-one basis, we only stand to gain in mindshare.
When we value the opinion they have and we care deeply how they feel about the job they are hiring us for it provides a key perspective on what makes them tick. So in the spirit of giving thanks to your listeners, why not think of ways to involve them in your brand.
Why not let go and use your audience to have fun with your station?
There are some great tried-and-true examples like:
-- Listener takeovers: Use the fans of your station as guest DJs and post their song lists and photos of them online.
-- Town Hall Meetings or Fan Appreciation Parties: No better way to enhance fan loyalty.
-- Listener Casting Calls: Have your fans design a commercial for your station EVEN IF IT'S ONLY ONLINE!
-- Find a way to do something great in a community like a playground clean-up with your listeners.
-- Brand one of your listeners every day either King for a Day or Queen for a Day.
The loyal most P-1 heavy segment of our audience needs to be cherished, welcomed, engaged, and thanked on a constant basis.
Here's to great Thanksgiving wishes, for you and your family, both at home, at work, or those that consume and love your product every day.
Buzz Knight is the Vice President of Program Development for Greater Media and he can be reached at bknight@greatermediaboston.com. Knight was named among ?Best Programmers? by Radio Ink Magazine in 2007 and 2010. He has served on the programming subcommittee of the National Association of Broadcasters(NAB) and is currently a member of the Arbitron Radio Advisory Council and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) COLRAM Committee.
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