Liberal-leaning radio host Randi Rhodes will continue to be syndicated by Premiere Networks in 2014 after all.
Although Premiere announced earlier this week it would be dropping Rhodes' radio show as of December 31, it will continue to produce and distribute her show in 2014, a staffer at the company wrote in an email to radio affiliates. According to the e-mail, obtained by the website Politico, Premiere SVP/Affiliate Relations Peter Tripi wrote, "In a happy turn of events, we are pleased to announce that Premiere Networks will continue to produce and distribute The Randi Rhodes Show. In an industry of constant change, it's a pleasure to provide good news about a talk talent we think so highly of."
Premiere Networks spokesperson Rachel Nelson confirmed for Radio Ink that "Premiere Networks will continue to produce and distribute The Randi Rhodes Show."
Premiere began distributing Rhodes' show in 2009.
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