Following his guilty plea for cocaine possession, Florida Congressman and former radio talk show host Trey Radel held a late night press conference last night where he said he'd be going to rehab. He did not step down from office. Radel admitted to buying cocaine from an undercover cop earlier in the day, pleading guilty in a D.C. courtroom.
Radel quit his radio show on WINK News Radio in Fort Myers, where he was a conservative talker, to run for office. He was arrested in D.C. for possessing cocaine. The feds set up a sting operation where Radel made a buy. He plead guilty yesterday and received one year probation for being a first-time offender. Radel he's also admitted to being an alcoholic and said he needs help.
(11/20/2013 2:33:44 PM)
It should be noted that the Congressmember has been a proponent of mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients.
Maybe we need to pass the specimen cups out at the door to the House of Representatives, too.
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