Over and over we hear, ?My biggest challenge is to find, hire, and keep top sellers.? This is not just an issue in radio but across the board. As hiring picks up for many industries, radio continues to compete to hire some of these sought-after people. As we target these potential superstars, here are some things to be prepared to discuss with them to sway them to join your team.
? They want to know how radio as a business is doing and the projected growth of the medium. There are great sources to share how solid radio is, how many people it reaches daily, and what projected dollars are slated for radio. Do your homework and be prepared to have solid facts and figures ready to share.
? A solid and comprehensive training plan is crucial to them. Regardless if they are a newbie or a seasoned seller, they want to know how fast it will happen for them. They need to know what support and training tools are in place to help them succeed. In the case of newbies, we all have read about how the younger generations will have more careers and get bored easily. So they need to be engaged quickly and continually challenged to keep them motivated, while the seasoned seller will want to get out quickly to start making money. If you don?t have formal training in place, I would encourage having each hiring manager submit a plan showing what and how they will train their new hires.
? A compensation plan on how they can pay their bills and get them to their desired income. Especially when competing to hire those seasoned sellers who are out of media, they need to be assured they are not taking a step back financially while growing their business. Be open to a plan that offers them security with options to convert to a more incentive-based program as they grow.
? Continual feedback and reviews. Share with them how often they will have one-on-one meetings with their supervisor to help guide them and to ensure they are on track.
? Your company and its reputation. If you are in a situation where you have had high turnover or poor community relations, be prepared to address what is being done to change your image. If your management or owners are involved in community or industry boards, share that info as it can show how serious you are about both.
? The fun stuff. Share some of what your team does for fun, describe the culture and why people like working there.
Just as you would prepare to talk to a target account, the same should be done for potential hires.
Laurie Kahn is Founder and President of Media Staffing Network and can be reached at 480-306-8930 or via e-mail at laurie@mediastaffingnetwork.com. Visit the Media Staffing Website www.mediastaffingnetwork.com
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