Following our story about the upcoming Infinite Dial Study, to be released by Edison Research and Triton Digital, several readers complained that we even give Pandora the time of day. Others refuse to stick their heads in the sand and pretend there is no competition brewing. It was all about the teaser monthly stat released early from the study that 31% of all Americans 12 and over now listen to Pandora every month.
That monthly stat (for Americans 12+) comes from the 2014 Infinite Dial study which is was put together by Edison Research and Triton Digital this year and will be detailed in a March 5 webinar. The 2013 study had Pandora reaching 27% of the 12+ population. iHeartRadio is used by 9% while iTunes Radio rounds out the top three.
Other trends to be explored in The Infinite Dial 2014 include:
* An update on Internet Audio usage, including new data on iTunes Radio, Beats Music, and other services
* Recent growth in Podcasting
* The growth in smartphone ownership, and how it has changed consumer behavior
* Updates on social media usage for services including Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest and more
* The connected car, and in-car usage of digital media
Register here for the free webinar: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/125538472
The free March 5th webinar starts at 2PM EST.
Register HERE
(2/25/2014 3:41:02 PM)
Sarah's comments illustrate how hard it is for my beloved industry to grapple with the realities of a rapidly evolving media ecosystem. Denial and deflection among it's managerial ranks are the first signs of a great, mature industry in glacial decline. I love radio but it startles the hell out of me how many of my age 40+ peers and their kids are listening to Pandora and Spotify in addition to radio (or minus radio). Shocking.
(2/25/2014 3:02:00 PM)
Edison is a good company that does research+ surveys. So, they may have 700 respondents which is good but it represents about 300 million so please take this information with a grain of salt. Triton doesn't even monitor most of Pandora's competitors and attempts to convert AAS to AQH in an effort to help Pandora become relevant at the agencies so please understand the source. Pandora is a non simultaneous music streaming service so their customers can be reached 1 at a time. This is not radio!
(2/25/2014 1:21:57 PM)
@ Sarah. Most successful independent buyers are also successful salespeople. How else could they build a business if not for the ability to continually attract clients? But, your myopia is not worth another breath.
As to the accusations made against Ed, I refer you back to my original comments about the multi-platform deficiencies of radio. I understand that radio is trying to address it with their online components, but the integration is not yet complete.
Jen White left radio to form her own "media buying company." ( Agency)
All those like that that I've met were marginal at radio sales. They are very common.
No, Ed. You repeatedly lead with touts to other media and offer few radio success stories. The only radio news you regularly print are quotes from Lew Dickey and Clear Channel. You and Eric have basically given up on radio.
(2/25/2014 11:34:44 AM)
31% of Americans might be tuned into Pandora, but the rest of the Intelligent Americans are tuned into www.dixiebroadcasting.com online and HazzardAyre Radio over the air.
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