By law the FCC is required to assess its media ownership rules every four years and determine if they need to be modified to serve the public interest. The goal is to preserve the local broadcasting marketplace and increase transparency. Well it's been six years since the Commission last completed what's called a Quadrennial Review. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has written about how this commission will address media ownership HERE, which will begin with a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM). A lot of the focus is on Television and how joint sales agreements are used, however, radio is mentioned a couple of times.
As far as radio goes, the FNPRM and Order asks whether to eliminate restrictions on newspaper/radio combinations and the radio/television cross-ownership rule in favor of reliance on the local radio and local television rules. And, proposes to retain the current dual network rule and the local radio rule, and to slightly modify the local television rule to reflect the transition to digital television. The commission will start by opening a public comment period.
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