Radio talker and MSNBC host Ed Schulz started serving his one week suspension last night after appearing on his 10PM show for 4 minutes. Schultz started his show with a major apology and a request for forgiveness for the remarks he leveled at Laura Ingraham. He was quickly replaced after the networks' first commercial break. Schultz called his remarks the "lowest of the low for me" adding I used vile and inappropriate language." Schultz apologized to his staff for embarrassing them and said he tried to call Ingraham to apologize but no contact was made.
Schultz was suspended by MSNBC for a week after calling Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut" on his radio program. There is no word yet on what, if anything will happen to his radio program which is syndicated by Dial Global. We reached out to Dial executives last night and received a "no comment."Here is the Scultz MSNBC apologoy video Listen to his rant HERE Scultz has also posted the apology to his website.
Ingraham responded to Schultz on her Facebook page: "Re the rude comments made about me by Ed Schultz on his radio program: First, I was surprised to learn that Ed Schultz actually hosted a radio show. Is it only available online? Second, I have to get back to recording the audio edition of my new book "Of Thee I Zing." Now I'm tempted to insert one additional zing--about men who preach civility but practice misogyny."
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More details coming at www.radioink.com
(5/26/2011 8:53:15 AM)
To equivocate, as you are, is to intentionally mislead and avoid scrutiny.
We are commenting on Ed Schultz and Ed Schultz only, not Janet Jackson, not George Carlin, not Joe Biden, not Eric Rhoades. If you think one week's suspension is adequate for Schultz, every fired, over the top former broadcast host will be seeking you out for employment. Let's hope you're not in a position to give it to them.
That's very funny...you say he 'used the basest insult' he could against a woman. But at the same time the right wing want rape victims to be called 'accusers' while denying many poor women access to basic ob/gyn health care. Guess it's all in what one says, not what they do. Bunch of hypocrites!
(5/26/2011 8:30:26 AM)
No question, what he said was inappropriate and over the top. But let's not charge up our phony outrage and pretend that conservatives don't say insulting, inappropriate, and untrue things repeatedly, on a daily basis. It's just that Eric Roads does not focus attention on these in his heavily biased 'news' resource.
Shultz was disciplined by his employer; people like Limbaugh are not...because they're considered 'ratings' gold for saying vile things.
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