Land was vice president of radio programming for the company's 32 radio stations. He was diagnosed with cancer last August. Yesterday Land died of the in hospice care. He was 51. His wife Glenda posted the following message to a special website set up for Tom: "Today I lost my best friend. I am comforted to know that he is not in pain or hurting. I am comforted to know that he died a faithful man who loved God and his friends and family. The messages you?ve posted about Tom are a blessing to me and Melanie?his girls. He left this world at peace and comfortable. I am at peace. I am so thankful for you, our Caring Bridge family?you?ve been there for us all along with the way of the journey. You carried us when we needed a lift. Tom was blessed by your words of kindness and caring for our family.
I will update you as soon as I have details on arrangements. We will celebrate the man and his life!
God Bless You.
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