At the 2010 Radio Ink Convergence gathering a seat-of-the-pants session was organized when it appeared as if many of the attendees were having trouble understanding how to use Twitter. It was a sort of unplanned Twitter 101. At the 2011 event, no such session was needed. We had a live Twitter feed rolling on a big screen in the Microsoft theatre and audience members were busy tweeting back to their markets and followers about the show and what they were learning.
Radio Ink created what's known as a hashtag for Tech Ink as well as Convergence. Whenever someone heard something they liked or wanted to share with their followers they would type it on their Twitter page and finish the tweet with #CONV11. The hashtag allows everyone using Twitter at the convention to see what everyone else is writing, whether they are following each other or not. And as you can guess, being around all of these people you may not have known leads to more followers.
If you're wondering why you should be using Twitter, it's more than just people following each other nosing into their lives. if you use it as a business tool, it's a great way to find article links and other helpful information to help you in your career. Information you may not have time to research. Radio Ink Publisher Eric Rhoads says "Twitter has become a significant communications tool for millions of people and its one of the distribution points radio needs to include." There are enough people out there digging, it makes life easy when they provide you with a headline and a link. Of course you have to be following the right people and not get caught up in the gossip and needless mind garbage.
Here are just a few of the tweets from the Radio Ink Conferences last week in San Jose California.
@jimthomas1: Thanks to Radio Ink for putting on #Conv11. Good information and great people. Be Untraditional and Connect.?
@reecemcgregor: great conference. Suggestions for next year. Open forum panel for brainstorming ideas, promotions, and concepts for digital.
@jimthomas1: Thanks to Radio Ink for putting on #Conv11. Good information and great people. Be Untraditional and Connect.
@Shayna_RRC: Thanks all for a fabulous conference! #conv11
@JessicaNorthey: I enjoyed having the opportunity to participate in #conv11 it was awesome!!! cc @RadioINK
@NikkiMarra: I had a great time at Convergence and Tech Summit. Thanks everyone for sharing. #conv11 #techsum
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