by Paul Anovick
You are halfway through the year, how are you doing achieving your goals? Now is a great time to evaluate your progress and make any adjustments that are needed for you to reach your goals. As Napoleon Hill said, ?Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.? You need SMART goals. Here is a ten-step process to accomplish what you want this year.
1. Goals: What do you want? Apply the SMART system: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound. The more specific and detailed your goal is, the greater your probability of success. Take time to develop what it is you want.
2. Rewards: What will happen when you reach your goal? What is the benefit to you?
3. Consequences: If you do not achieve your goal, what will happen? Is there impact for not obtaining this goal?
4. Possible Obstacle: Look at the goal and identify what?s preventing or blocking you from reaching this goal? List as many obstacles as possible, if don?t have three or more, you are not evaluating and focused on reaching your goal. Think of what could go wrong.
5. Possible Solutions: For each obstacle you want to brainstorm possible solutions. After developing solutions, chose the optimum one.
6. Action Steps: The best solution is now your action step to overcome the obstacle. Each action step taken brings you that much closer to obtaining your goal.
7. Date: When will you complete this specific action? You may have several dates set for each stage of achievement. It must be time-bound in order to get it done. (An action without a time frame is just hope) Now ?get ?er done.?
8. Delegated: Is there a step that requires enlisting someone?s help or input. This must be detailed and spelled out.
9. Target Date: This is the date by which you will reach your goal. Be realistic and consider all of the obstacles and how long each will take to accomplish in reaching your overall goal.
10. Affirmations: We are creatures of habit. The ?tapes? we have running in our heads can create self-imposed limitations. In order to create new habits we must program our thoughts to support them. An affirmation must be in the first person and positive, such as; ?I?m a person who is a good listener.? Develop two or three affirmations that support your goal, write these on index cards and read them aloud three times a day, morning, noon and night. It takes 28 days to create a habit; try this for 28 days and let me know how it works for you.
Reviewing your goals daily is a critical part of your success and must become part of your routine. The difference between a goal and a dream is the written word. Write down your goals and achieve your dreams.
CoachAnovick. Developing Potential, Producing Results
Coach Anovick can be reached at 201.445.2822 or by E-MAIL
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