The latest report we have from Zimmer Radio CEO James Zimmer is that the 7 people he employs who lost homes to a tornado have been accommodated for the next two weeks. Several staff members will be living out of an RV that was donated, by the way, by Clear Channel in Springfield, Missouri. We asked Zimmer if there was anything the rest of the industry can do to help his team out, and there is. Our hats are off to Zimmer's Joplin, Missouri team as they continue to serve their community. Some are doing it without a home to return to.
Here is the message from Zimmer: "If any of our fellow brethren want to donate specifically to our "homeless" staff members they can send donations to our stations in Joplin. Thank you, and I will keep you posted with any new developments."
Chad Elliot, OM,
Zimmer Radio, Inc.
2702 East 32nd Street
Joplin, MO 64804
Radio Ink has also restarted our Tornado Relief Fund at PayPal so we can transfer any donated funds over to the station quickly if you would like to donate online today. Here is the link if you have a PayPal account:
Check out Eric's Blog on the subject
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