Steve Newberry, president and chief executive officer of Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation, will receive the National Radio Award during the Radio Show Luncheon held Friday, September 16. Newberry told Radio Ink last night "I am humbled and honored to be this year's recipient. I know many great radio broadcasters who are so deserving of this recognition, and to be chosen at this time is hard for me to realize. And, when I look at the list of previous recipients, even being considered in that company is an honor." Previous recipients include Charles Warfield, Ed Christian, Bruce Reese, Jerry Lee, David Kennedy, John Dille, Lowry Mays, Jeff Smulyan, Bill Stakelin, and Erica Farber, among others.
What does it take to get into a position to do so much for an industry and be considered for this award? Newberry says it starts with loving the business. "You have to absolutely love what you do, and when you find that you're in a place to serve your profession, step up. Consider it an honor to serve and take the opportunity seriously. And, be willing to consider issues from a point-of-view that might be different then what is your own. Radio is FILLED with great people who care about their communities, and I have been so fortunate to work among them."
And, finally, we picked Newberry's brain to see who he looks up to and admires the most, people that help him succeed. "First, I'll cheat just a bit and combine my mother and father as one unit. My dad was a hardware store owner and elected official and my mom was a respected schoolteacher. As children of the Great Depression, they had a perspective that was so influential in my life. They instilled in my brother Jim and me a sense of service, a real work ethic and a respect for others. I admire them greatly and I am so thankful for the foundation they provided us.
The second would be a great friend of mine in my hometown by the name of Freddie Travis. Freddie is a former Marine officer and elected official, a long-time client and a business partner who is now in his mid 70's. He is known for his straightforward, no-bull approach, and he has been a counselor and great friend to me. I admire his very clear sense of leadership and integrity.
The third is not in radio, but is in television. Jack Sander was my predecessor as Joint Board Chair. Anyone who knows Jack understands why I admire him. He is the perfect balance of being a tough businessman and a true gentleman. He can master complex issues, lead diverse groups and make things happen. Yet, he never fails to call my 12 year-old son Walker by name and take a sincere interest in how Walker?s baseball teams are doing. Jack defines the kind of leader and person I admire.
The Radio luncheon will take place during the 2011 Radio Show, jointly produced by the National Association of Broadcasters #NAB# and Radio Advertising Bureau #RAB#, September 14 - 16 in Chicago.
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