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Friday, May 4, 2012

(AUDIO) Has Jelli Reinvented The Radio Spot?

Jelli CEO Michael Dougherty tells Radio Ink a major recognizable advertiser will launch across his platform of stations on Monday using technology that has never been used before. It's called "Jelli Response." The goal of every radio sales executive is to drive local revenue and generate R.O.I for those local clients, especially these days when national advertising isn't doing radio many favors. While still relatively low, advertising is shifting online and most research says mobile is where the money is headed next. Dougherty says the technology Jelli uses to allow listeners to vote and interact with music will now be used for commercials. And while he's starting by rolling the technology out on the national ads he inserts into his bartered inventory with stations, it will eventually be available for local commercials as well. Analytics - the name of the game these days - will allow buyers and eventually local advertisers to receive insight as to how listeners react to each campaign by demographic and region.


Jelli is an interactive platform that allows local listeners choose - by votes - what music is played on the station. Now, Doughterty says his company will allow listeners to interact with ads and he calls it "revolutionary." ?We are reimagining the radio spot, making it more engaging and interactive." Dougherty says, ?The advertising industry is eager for innovation from radio, to move a radio campaign from the world of ?did it run?? to ?did it resonate??? With "Jelli Response" ads, Jelli?s platform serves the radio spot on-air, simultaneously presenting the ad to users who can interact in real-time with it as it plays, via Jelli for iPhone, Jelli for Android and the station?s website. A Jelli Insights report is created, summarizing the engagement data from the radio campaign, including by demographic and region.

(5/3/2012 8:11:32 PM)
As has already been mentioned, if radio was the internet - maybe,
Meanwhile the implication includes that everybody in the audience was cognizant of their own thinking and purchasing activities. It is also presumed they have a willingness to participate with an accurate recall of their own motivations and behaviors.

Radio is a spectacular and spectacularly under-appreciated medium with very exotic, sophisticated and complex attributes - about which most of us know very little. Another gizmo is unlikely to move this radio-project along.

(5/3/2012 2:08:50 PM)

Mobile = money, and we've just scratched the surface. Even the owner of a back-woods gas station understands the value of being on Page 1 of Google.

Terrestrial radio stations will soon be valued by the pound (as in how much the scrap steel in the stick weighs).

The only thing constant in life is change.

(5/3/2012 1:25:24 PM)
Sice one has to have access to the Internet for this, then one might as well listen to Pandora. Jelly will be a flop.

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