In an opinion piece written for TechCrunch called "The Rebirth of Radio," Triton Digital Chief Operating Officer Mike Agovino says that despite the consumer popularity for companies like Pandora, profitability has not followed. And, he notes, that is not likely to change as online listening increases in the car. Agovino says, this catch 22 has slowed the shift to digital for traditional radio stations."
Agovino's solution? "The key to turning digital from a threat to an opportunity for traditional radio providers is taking the things that stations do best ? such as music curation, artist access, events, promotions, and building a sense of community around localized services ? and delivering them into the digital channel, wrapped in a great user interface. The challenge has always been how to get a return on any such investment in the face of the royalty structure."
Agovino points to the recent deal between Clear Channel and Big Machine Music Label as a way radio is embracing the digital future.
Read Agovino's entire TechCrunch opnion piece HERE
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