Stating today's audio market was certainly not boring, Greg Walden, a former broadcaster turned politician and now the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology says the deal between Clear Channel and record label Big Machine intrigued him when discussing how songwriters and performers have a "wealth of options to reach music lovers." Clear Channel's deal which, threw the NAB overboard, was timed perfectly to coincide with yesterday's hearing making it a target of conversation.
One thing is certain, Walden said, experimentation will be critical as new technologies challenge existing business models. "This #Clear Channel# deal shows that broadcast radio stations and record labels can get to ?yes? on issues that have vexed their industries for years. I, for one, encourage the private sector to negotiate deals without government involvement. It is much better for stakeholders to solve their own business matters than for us to try to solve them for them. I will be interested to hear if other broadcasters and record labels are willing to enter into similar deals with Clear Channel and Big Machine, and with each other."
Walden said the additional outlets for audio, including satellite, the Internet and additional broadcast stations poses a dilemma. "On the one hand, this means today?s songwriters and performers have a wealth of options for reaching music lovers. On the other, it means securing a critical mass of listeners may be harder as audiences fracture. Are artists liberated by the digital age or finding it harder to cut through the cacophony? Is it ironically easier to start a career but harder to make a living in the music business today? Is the pie getting larger or is everyone nibbling on each other?s slice?"
(6/7/2012 6:27:23 AM)
We'll see whether this is for real, or if this is a back door move to give Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Corporations a way to advance the performance tax. We are proposing to initiate a new organization: The American Association of Independent Broadcasters. It is long overdue and many are not happy about the lack of representation for us from the various national organizations. Its time independent broadcasters have a real voice. wibg1020@live.com
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