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It isn't very often you get to hear from two programming experts who are willing to lay out all of their years of experience - at no charge - so you can go back to your station and make it sound much better than it does now. Our latest Podcast features two of the greatest minds in the radio business, President of Jacobs Media and jacAPPS, Fred Jacobs and Vice President of Program Development for Greater Media, Buzz Knight (right). For 40 minutes Jacobs and Knight give us details on how radio stations should sound. If you want to win in the ratings...if you want to win in the local market...if you want to win in the revenue wars...download this podcast and listen to it as many times as you can. Then, go to your manager and get these ideas implemented. Or, just look at your window and watch the station across the street do it. ENJOY our latest installment of MAKING GREAT RADIO!
Download Making Great Radio Podcast #1 HERE
Here are our guests from Podcast #1:
Lee Abrams is a legendary radio programmer who has also as been XM Radio's Chief Programming Officer
Randy Lane is the owner of the The Randy Lane Company
Dave Richards is the Vice President of Programming and Operations for Entercom in Seattle