Radio Ink Magazine and the Radio Advertising Bureau are teaming up to identify radio's next generation of stars. We are now accepting nominations. Candidates can come from stations, syndication companies, representation firms, radio networks, digital and other entities with a direct relationship to radio, one which has a demonstrable impact on the industry. Nominations should be sent to Radio Ink editor Ed Ryan.
Several winners will participate in a panel at the upcoming RAB/NAB Radio Show in Dallas.
Register for the Radio Show HERE
Radio Ink Publisher Eric Rhoads said, "The focus of "Rising Stars" is to identify those individuals who possess the potential and the passion to be the radio industry's innovators and leaders tomorrow. It also continues the Radio Ink tradition of seeking out excellence in radio. The young professionals tapped as "Rising Stars" this year will be names to watch. Over the coming years, they are likely to make their way to becoming Radio Wayne recipients, MIW's and Top 40 honorees. We are proud to partner with RAB in spotlighting the "Rising Stars."
President/CEO of the Radio Advertising Bureau President/CEO Erica Farber said, "It's exciting to see young people come into Radio and in a few short years show some some real promise, enthusiasm and a love for the business. It's important we continue to attract young people to our industry and cultivate them and their future potential. The 'Rising Stars of Radio' list and panel at the Radio Show not only recognizes these young leaders' contributions but it also helps us all learn from them why they believe Radio is a great place to work and what they see for the future of our evolving business."
Nomination Criteria
- Nominees must be 35 years of age or under as of December 31, 2012.
- Nominees must work for a radio station or radio group. Entries from syndication companies, representation firms, radio networks, digital and other entities with a direct relationship to radio, one which has a demonstrable impact on the industry and are based in the United States of America will also be considered.
- Nominees must have at least five years of experience in the business.
- Nominees must currently be employed.
- Nominees cannot nominate themselves.
- Nomination Submissions
Radio professionals who decide to nominate a colleague for the Rising Stars of Radio will be asked to e-mail Radio Ink Editor Ed Ryan (edryantheeditor@gmail.com) with the nominee?s current contact information and an essay of 250 words or less describing why the nominee is worthy of the honor. Entry essays should describe the character of the candidate, list the highlights and achievements of his/her career, talk about what contributions he/she has made to his or her company and community and show how his or her career has grown since they came into the business.
Entry Window and Announcement
Nominations for the Rising Stars of Radio will be accepted June 11-July 13. The 2012 Class of Rising Stars will be announced in an August edition of Radio Ink Magazine. A panel featuring three-five of the Rising Stars discussing the state of Radio today will take place at the 2012 Radio Show in Dallas on Wednesday, September 19th.
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