WOXY-FM in Oxford Ohio station was known as "The Future of Rock & Roll" and long-time listener Phil Lacefield (pictured) is raising money on Kickstarter to write a book about it, called ?BAM! The Untold Story of 97X, WOXY, and the Future of Rock & Roll.? So far, he's collected $2,500 of the $7,500 he needs. The station would have been 30 years old. In 2004 owners Doug and Linda Balogh decided to sell the facilities using the proceeds to retire.
"The Future of Rock & Roll" became one of the first stations to completely transition from terrestrial FM radio to broadcasting solely as an Internet radio station at WOXY.com. Due to financial challenges, the station ended its online feed in 2010.
Lacefield tells Radio Ink that place was like a family member to him and thousands of others. "I've been toying with the idea of writing the history of the station since before they stopped broadcasting online. I've remained good friends with a great many of the old jocks and staff, and I'm a member of the Facebook alumni group, so it's been discussed for ages. Next year would have been the 30th anniversary of the FM station going live, so it seemed like a fitting time to get the thing written and out there. Plus, with the advent of Kickstarter making such projects easier and easier, the stars were in perfect alignment.
Lacefield says the book won't be so much a history of the station. "It will be a collection of the stories and the people who made it happen, from staff and jocks to listeners, advertisers, musicians, labels...you name it, everyone I've spoken to about the place has not only fond memories but amazing stories. THAT'S what I want to capture (plus perhaps put a bit of shame into the state of radio these days, which just ain't what it used to be) Once finished, it is my intent to shop the book around to publishers, so that I can get it on bookshelves worldwide."
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