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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Katz Marketing Solutions Launches New WebSite For All Radio Sellers


Katz Marketing Solutions President Bob McCurdy has launched a new website as an aid to all people selling radio. The site is and it's designed to arm all radio people (not just Katz clients) with important data and facts about radio. According to McCurdy, "Every person selling radio has got to become a student of radio. They have to learn and figure out how to become marketers instead of being radio sellers. I find that the more I revisit these facts before I go into any client presentation the better I do in front of clients. Every radio seller should re-read these facts at least monthly." 

McCurdy told Radio Ink that he's been gathering research and facts about radio and that these can be used as valuable tools in selling the positive benefits of radio. Data will be kept up-to-date as new facts emerge and updates will occur monthly. Radio Ink Publisher Eric Rhoads says, "This is an important step. Katz knows that offering this data to all radio sellers, whether or not they are Katz clients, will raise the tide of all ships in radio by better arming all people selling radio. Every manager should insist that every rep study this radio data to become better empowered. Rhoads refers to this new development in his current blog post, which you can read here.

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