Here's some of the audio from "Kimberly and Beck" that lead to the duo being fired. If you were the GM of the station, would you have made the same decision. In the audio clip, you'll hear Kimberly say, "The dude can look like a lady and the city is going to pay for it. Your, your, your tax dollars at work." That is followed by a clip of the song from Aerosmith, "Dude Looks Like a Lady." Beck goes on to say, "Does that mean, then, if women want a boob job, they'll pay for a boob job because that's only right?" Listen to the clip. Let us know your thoughts. What would you do?
(5/23/2014 2:59:47 PM)
Wake up America, you now live in the land of the liberal political correct. Any opinion or comment against the very liberal left you make at your peril. Freedom of speech is a relic of the past. It is sad, but it is what is today. The GM, here, was just doing his job in the current political correct American reality. Don't like it move to Australia.
(5/23/2014 2:50:14 PM)
It's one thing to be edgy and take the show to the edge of the cliff - it's another thing to jump off! As too often is the case, this team clearly did not know when to pull it back.
(5/23/2014 12:36:47 PM)
Congrat to them, if this team is looking for a job, our station is hiring, this is our kind of programming. Radical radio is not gone.
(5/23/2014 10:57:34 AM)
OMG! Someone said something that MIGHT offend someone else!Get rid of them immediately!!! It MIGHT cause someone to rethink their purchase of advertising! Get rid of them immediately!!! When you have weak management whose existence is determined by the quarterly report you end up with an industry watered down and bland. No one is going to take a chance and no one is going to do anything out of the mainstream consensus. Play it safe and figure out who to blame when your industry is flat.
(5/23/2014 10:43:16 AM)
No doubt the segment languished in bad taste. But aren't live jocks hired to be a little controversal and edgy? They may have taken it too far in many of the comments, but did it warrant firing?
If they were a reputable team, and ratings and sales were strong, wouldn't a suspension served the same purpose. Maybe a little community service would have been good.
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