We've been hearing it a lot lately. Radio runs too many awful commercials and it could be costing us money. And, as Marketing Evolution CEO Rex Briggs pointed out LAST WEEK, great creative moves product, which means great creative should bring you more revenue. If there's even the slightest chance, writing and producing better sounding spots gives an advertiser a better chance to succeed and gives radio a better chance to increase revenue, why isn't this changing? Yaman Coskun is the Founder and CEO of Yamanair Creative. The former Clear Channel emplyoyee went out on his own in 2007 with a goal of focusing on writing and producing creative ads for radio. He now has 14 employees and contractors doing just that. In this interview, we picked his brain about what goes into a great ad, what to avoid so you minimize bad ads and how you can increase your chances the ads you write will drive traffic to the client. We also have audio of Coskun's top three commercials from the past ten years. Here's our interview
Here are Yaman's three favorite ads from the past ten years:
Reach out to Yaman at yaman@yamanair.com
Follow on Twitter @yamanairdc
(5/20/2014 1:08:25 PM)
{Typing tutorial" shoulda been a :30. (Meee-yow!)
Still.... very nice work.
There might be a chance for spots yet.
(5/20/2014 12:12:48 PM)
Only "Lately?"
Surely you jest.
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