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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hubbard Gives Money To Listeners & Charity


WILV in Chicago started a new on-air promotion, Thursday, that keeps listeners tuned to the station, gives them a chance to win cash, and helps local charitable organizations. It's called May Money Match, and PD Marty Bender says this is just a better way to give away money. "In a world where we win some and lose some, we can at least offer up the chance to now win some and give some. Simply pay yourself and have us pay it forward too. WILV is proud to facilitate this opportunity for our listeners and those in need.?

Listeners register their name and the name of their charity on the May Money Match contest page at Every weekday in May, listeners will be invited to listen at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If they hear their name as it relates to the contest, they will have 15 minutes to call the station studio line at 312.297.1003. If they do, they will receive a check for $500 and have the ability to direct an additional $500 to the charity of their choice. 

View the original article here