Bring it on was the indication from Pandora CFO Mike Herring last night as he explained why Pandora would stop distributing monthly listener numbers. And that would be the only way to determine if Pandora is really challenging radio in the ratings. Herring said the monthly listening numbers are already being put out by Triton and Comscore and there's no need for Pandora to push that information out themselves. "We'd rather rely on third party metrics. Our internal metrics are of little value to advertisers. They rely on Triton and Comscore and others." Nielsen has said it will measure Pandora, however the first indication is that the numbers from Pandora and radio will not be made available side by side.
(4/25/2014 5:49:08 PM)
Matt, you make good points, but Henry Ford never called his car a horse drawn carriage. Pandora is calling themselves "radio" when they are not. If they wanna call themselves radio, then they need to be fully regulated by FCC rules -- EEO, Public File, license renewals, inspections, fines and all the rest. I'm sure they'll protest loudly once the FCC gets a hold of them. Can't have it both ways.
(4/25/2014 5:17:44 PM)
Merely defining radio in terms of the technology used is incredibly limiting. Products that are similar and yet different can still serve as substitutes (e.g. a car is not the exact same thing as a horse drawn carriage, but one quickly replaced the other even in cases where the underlying task/goal was essentially the same).
(4/25/2014 1:00:28 PM)
Pandora is Radio? Really? Sounds like a red herring to me, pardon the pun. What RADIO frequency do I tune in to listen to Pandora? What are their radio call letters? Can I visit their tower sites? I wonder what sort of transmitter they have? Can I see their public file? Hmmmmmm. Are they really radio? I don't see anyone asking these rhetorical questions! When will Radio Ink, other responsible industry journalists or analysts start asking Mr. Herring these very questions?
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