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Sunday, January 18, 2015

(SALES) Death Of The Sales Rep


If you have the word ?agent? or ?representative? in your job title, you could be on the verge of extinction.
Remember the days before Expedia and Travelocity? You had to call a travel agent to make your plans and book your vacations. The Internet has changed the way people buy.

Programmatic buying, and being able to book advertising on a wide range of new media via the Internet, are leading many advertisers away from investing their valuable time talking to sales representatives.

The only way to ensure your clients will continue to do business with you, is to deliver more value than simply selling space or spots.

Noted sales trainer Jeffrey Gitomer made it clear to one sales rep that simply ?touching base? no longer cuts it. Jeffrey said, "Dude, you're going to lose all of your customers if you fail to reach them with a message of value every week."

The litmus test of the value you deliver is simple: Do your clients and prospects actually thank you for your service and look forward to the value you deliver over and above the spots you sell?

Our SoundADvice member stations receive thank you notes for the value they deliver like this one received last week in Grand Junction Colorado;

Hi Maggie,
One of the consequences of a busy mentality is that appreciation is too often ignored or is not expressed appropriately for the many good deeds of people who
serve others.

I want to express my deepest appreciation for your Sound Advice communique that you send on a regular basis. I want you to know that I read your emails and enjoy the quality of the content. Thank you.
As John Wooden (UCLA coach) once said, "It's what you learn after you know it all that counts."
Keeping us informed of new marketing and reminding us of existing marketing strategies is a big job and your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Happy New Year!

If you aren?t currently receiving thank you letters or emails like this, you need to ask yourself these four questions about every client on your list, every month:
1.) What is the last message of value I delivered to this account?
2.) When?
3.) What is the next message of value I?m planning to deliver to this client?
4.) When?

And if the answer to questions 2 or 4 is longer than 30 days away, you are about to be one of those representatives who loses the business.
Wayne Ens is president of ENS Media Inc. and the SoundADvice radio e-marketing system.

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